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Popular Energy Drink Facing Wrongful Death Lawsuit


People in the Dallas area, as well as everywhere else, use or consume thousands of different products every day, usually without ever giving a second thought to the products’ safety. Although most products are considered safe, there are other products that can cause serious injury or harm, and in some cases, even death.

The family of a man who died suddenly of heart failure is suing the maker of a popular energy drink claiming that the company’s product was responsible for the man’s death. The 33-year-old man was playing basketball when he drank a can of Red Bull. According to reports, the man collapsed and died a short time after drinking the beverage.

Reportedly the man drank the energy drink on a regular basis, but in this instance, shortly after consuming the beverage, he suffered a type of heart attack known as idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM. According to reports, the family’s lawsuit may be the first-ever like it against an energy drink company. Red Bull has stated that its product is safe and effective but has not yet commented on this specific case. The man’s family is seeking $85 million in damages in their lawsuit.

If a judge or jury determines that the energy drink maker is responsible for this man’s death then Red Bull could be ordered to pay compensation to this man’s family. Anyone who has been injured or harmed by a defective product may be entitled to damages as well. Speaking with an experienced product liability lawyer is probably a good idea.

Source: Medical Daily, “Red Bull sued: $85M lawsuit claims energy drink gave man fatal heart attack,” Matthew Mientka, Oct. 28, 2013.

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